1)we are four owners A,B,C,D in equal shares 18 marlas each.whrere D is mother of A,B,C.
2) in coulmn of possesion or cultivataion there is child A and mother D.
3)after the death of mother D Property of mother get distributed in equal share in A B and C.now it is 24 marlas each.
4) what about the mother's possesion??it wil go to A only or A B C in equal shares?
5)if possesion goes to A ,B,C then what wil be ratio of total possesion having A B C as A has alreday is in its own possesion.?
6)can A which is in exlusive possesion can pick a particular khasra of 32 marlas to sell 1/2 share.where as A has 1/3 share in it.where , B has already sold 1/3 share from this particular khasra.