I have got the possession of my flat in the year 2010 however I still havent got my possession letter. Infact until recently I wasnt aware that I had to collect the possession letter from the builder. When I spoke to him a month ago, he said that a lost a few of the possession letter that he was supposed to issue to few other people in my building.So he needs to get duplicate copies of all those possession letters. Its been a month now, and whenever I call him, he tries to avoid it, by explaining me the procedure to get a duplcate copy that ne needs to talk to his lawyer, explain the reason for duplicate copy and various other things. I wish to know whats the procedure to get the duplicate copy as soon as possible. Does it really take so much time or is the builder just playing around, trying to avoid giving the possession letter to us. What action can I take to get the possession letter asap. Kindly advise.