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Brajendra Sharma (Private job)     13 June 2017

Post office department not giving right information

My Father Mr.R.P. Sharma (Ex P.A. Fatehpur Head Post Office) was died on 13.08.2000.After the death of Father none’ fund was released to my Mother who was already suffering from deceased (Gathiya, Blood Pressure Socked death of Father, Poor Financial Condition & Suddenly responsibilities came on her Shoulder s) was also died due to Poor Financial condition & no treatment on 22.01.2001. She had made several reminders to department but none payment was released to her. After death of Mother I started Follow up from the department I got success in the month of April 2001for recieving of Provisional pension & Funds after 8month of my father’s death. After receiving pro-visional payment several times I remind department for the final payment but none response came from the department I left following from the department but when I came to know Portal Mechanism I ask Department for the final releasing of Pending DCRG & Pension after 17 Years but Department have Given this answer ==== Sir, PMG Kanpur has intimated that dues of Rs. 3,75,000/- has to be recovered in name of Late Shri R.P. Sharma in such case it is not possible to issue 'No Dues' certificate Now I am asking from them on below point are these point are ok pls suggest me 1. After the death of Father 13.08.2000 none times SPO Fatehpur Have did the communication with me against the recovery or case? 2. All Payment were released to us from SPO Fatehpur at the time of payments why they have not taken any action including Pension after 8 Month. 3. If there was any recovery was Pending why department have released the payment to us & it was released to us after intervation of letter Pen/M-4/26/2001/6 raised by Mr Prem Kumar Tripathi Nideshak ,CPMG,UP Circle Lucknow? 4. We have received the provisional pension till 15.03.2009 its mean we were in the touch of department & we were in India why department have not did communication with me during this period of time. 5. Why department have released Provisional Pension & Funds Payment to us after 8 Month from the death of father during this period of time what department was doing? 6. If department was ready for releasing the payment why they have not released it to mother so we were able to save her life who was died due to not proper treatment? 7. Why department have not refused to my mother for not releasing of Payment & Me too after the death of mother? 8. If My Mother left us without receiving of any type of fund who is responsible for that? 9. Kindly Look No.38/64/98-P&PW (F) Rules 56 to 76 of CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 wherever delays are anticipated,Provisional Pension should be sanctioned Immedaitly can department had forget the rules so that pension was not released to mother after the death of Father 13.08.2000 to 22.01.2001 how much interst was released to us when it was sanctioned to us in the month of april 14.08.2001 its means Pension was issued to us after 8 month of father”s death. 10. When I am asking final Payment from the last three month why Spo fatehpur have submitted report against PMOPG/E/2017/0174886 that all payment has been made there is no inquiry / action is pending against us. ? 11. The involvement of my father in loss/Fraud case before his death in the capacity of a subsidiary offender. The Discy proceeding against him during his life time, while he was on duty was being held. But on or after his death they automatically had ceased in the light ofGovt. of india’s instruction no. 5 below rule 15 of Swamy”s CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 read with rule 79 of Postal Manual Volume III.But SPO Fatehpur is in tremendous confusion and mis inter pretation of the terms cessation of the disciplinary proceeding on the death. The D.C.R.G (residuary) is not to be released when a major portion there-of already stand released. In case the contention of SPO is deeply taken into consideration, it would amount to mis inter pretation of above legally and quasi judicially when the disciplinary proceeding had ceased. It can be assumed that there had been no disciplinary case against him as post death benefits cannot be denied to the legal heirs and they have been granted as is clear from the factual position of the case enumerated above. In this regards it has also to be added that it was on the deep intervention of C.P.M.G UP Circle Lucknow Letter Pen/M-4/26/2001/6 & PMG Kanpur, the Provisional Pension and D.C.R.G was sanctioned but final ones are unnecessarily been delayed without any logical grounds from SPO Fatehpur. 12. DPA Lucknow has already asked from SPO Fatehpur full detail of AE PEN III/PIV/PC-72/05-06 DATED 11.07.2005 which till now not submitted by SPO Fatehpur till now. Again through the reminder on 09.11.2006 & 29.05.17 he reminds SPO Fatehpur but have not taken any action against these reminders. This information given me by DPA Lucknow via letter PENIII/PI/TPC-04/16-17/P.G.DO.P.G-78/2017, D-77/01.06.17 13. Now SPO Fatehpur asking from you for the directions for recovery of the Proportionate share of his monitory liability under section 6 od P.A.D act such type of direction & instruction come within the ambit of criminal back ground which would result in strangulation of the employee’s family in so for as the legally and quasi judicially taken interpretation of the terms. Cessation of disciplinary proceeding is concerned all above actions would subside automatically just like criminal case instituted against him in the trial case. His sudden death during service freed him from all kinds of departmental limitations. Hence any kind of unlawful action against his family amount of subversion of Justics pls tells SPO Fatehpur. Kindly look all facts as I given above and take necessary action against such type of misleading & diverting the case from the road. As I was asking for the PPO number but matter is diverting by SPO Fatehpur with NO Dues Certificate same report was ask by DPA Lucknow but till now he have submitted it to him. Pls take necessary action for releasing our final payments along with delay of payment which were made to us after 8 month from the death of father.

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