Details: Land at Chennai.Tamilnadu.
1997-Vendor executed an absolute sale deed for a particular Land by the way of Registered as a document in SRO-(A)
- 2008-the same vendor at a different SRO-(B) executed a POA in the name of her Son-in-law for the same land which was already registered in 1997
2011-holder (agent) of the aforesaid POA executed a settlement deed for the Land in the name of his wife during april,registered as a document in the same SRO-(A) subsequently, a month later, the executant of POA, lady expired
the aforesaid 2008 POA in SRO-(B) came to light only after the encumbrance was found in 2011 due to the settlement deed in theSRO-(A), till then it (POA) never got reflected in the EC
What is the course of action /remedy??
How far this POA is legally valid, and subsequent registration of settlement deed valid???:
Is this action does not amount to playing Fraud on the "Public servant", by producing false evidence;
Do we need to approach the IG Registration??? or Court??? or Police?????
Is there any possiility of Justice??;
any help /advice?