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Navin Arya (Administrative Head)     10 February 2011

Press and Registration of Books and Publications Bill 2010

Press and Registration of Books and Publications Bill 2010

The Union Cabinet has decided to amend the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 to streamline the age-old processes and to address certain issues governed by the Print Media Policy and the guidelines/rules.

The main features of the proposed Bill are as under-

(a)      The new title would be Press and Registration of Books and Publications (PRBP) Act, 2010;

(b)               Many new definitions such as 'publications', 'newspapers', 'magazines', 'journals', 'newsletter', etc. would be inserted;

(c)      Internet edition of newspapers to be covered under the Act;

(d)      Those convicted of terrorist acts or anything done against the security of the State would be prevented from bringing out a publication;

(e)      Detailed provisions for verification of a title;

(f)      Provisions to prevent blocking of titles to discourage non-serious publishers;

(g)      Making statutory provision for circulation verification;

(h)      Provisions   with   respect   to   limits   on   foreign   news   content

(syndication) and foreign investments;

(i)       Filing of annual statements by publishers to be made compulsory.


 4 Replies

ADV Rajesh KASRIJA (ADVOCATE)     10 February 2011


Navin Arya (Administrative Head)     21 February 2011

You are always Welcome Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S. Shivamayi (Director)     23 February 2011



I am Shivamayi, from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.

Kindly help me with your ideas, advice. I applied for NRI registration for a monthly publication in English Language, in August  2009. By October or so the title was granted, "Genius Choice" [out of the four, etc].

Because of the delay in the local office at Coimbatore, several times papers were to be reproduced, officials changed, the new one did not know the procedures, and so on. Finally, by December 2010, when our representative went to Chennai Regional Director [RNI} office, it was told that ' now the time is over, everything should have been completed in six months, now you start from the scratch"'.


Okay we strated trying for that, But confused ,start from scratch meaning fresh application again for title?

Then in this February, on 17the the local police called me and asked me that I need to produce a "Nativity Certificate" [as I am from Kerala State]. and that too, to be submitted within 3 days. [In fact the official himmself said, that paper was lying there for the last one month..!]

Absolutely sad and frustrated, I said it would take at least a month to get nativity certificate from Kerala state [that too depending upon such red tape and .....] Then the police said, then you better stop this business..! After keeping me waiting fro him till 730 PM.


So I wrote in a white paper that I cancel this publication.


NOW, the question to you is: can I start publishing the ideas in BOOK FORM? Say, 4-5 books a year?


Kindly advice me. My email id is:



I entered this forum. saw your posting, and then this request.

Hope you would accept the request

Navin Arya (Administrative Head)     24 February 2011

Dear Mr. Shivamayi:

Here is the guidelines/procedure for attotment of title, if you need further assistance, please approach local lawyer:

Guidelines/Procedure for allotment of titles Application Procedure

1.         Application for title verification must be routed through the Magistrate concerned in the prescribed format.

2.         The application for title verification must bear the seal and signature with date of Magistrate concerned.

3.         The application must contain the names of proposed title/titles, its language, periodicity, owner’s name and address and place of publication.

4.         The applicant shall have to give an undertaking that the title/titles proposed is/are not owned by any Govt. agency.

5.         Applications for title verification, incomplete in any respect would be liable for rejection.

6.         Titles would be allotted on first-come-first-serve basis, except in conditions laid down under these guidelines.

7.         In following cases title may be allotted on priority basis:

 a.         Where applicant produces NOC from Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in case of a Foreign Title.

 b.         Where existing title owner applies for a title which is same as the title owned by him and can not be allotted to any other.

 c.         In case of a direction from the court or any statutory authority, which is binding and it is decided not to appeal against the direction/order.

 d.         Where a title is rejected by RNI inadvertently and on reconsideration it is found that the same could have been allotted to the applicant.

 e.         In all other cases as decided by Press Registrar for reasons to be

recorded in writing.

Procedure to be followed for Title Verification –

 1.         Titles same or similar to a Foreign Title (F.T) in any language may not be allotted until a valid license agreement with the foreign title owner is produced.

 2.         As per PRB Act, 1867, same or similar title shall not be allotted in a State in any language and in the same language no title same or similar to the existing ones shall be allotted in the whole of India.

 3.         In cases where an applicant has applied for a title and a Discrepancy Letter (D/L) is issued, the title would be blocked/held for a period of one month and the applicant would be asked to furnish reply to the discrepancy within two weeks of issue of the letter.

 4.         Titles having words same or similar to a government organisation, foreign government organisation, institutions, prominent titles, trade marks or prominent brands shall not be verified as these may mislead public or exploit/misuse the name of the organisation/institution and may also violate trade mark and copy right Acts.

 5.         In case of a periodical pertaining to a government department/institution or any association/organisation, the ownership will be allotted in the name of the organisation and the applicant would be advised accordingly.

 6.         Titles making use of any kind of symbol other than alphabets/numerals and words sounding absurd or meaningless may not be allotted.

 7.         Titles which are Obscene or offending to public sense or titles having symbols or any other object which may not be in public interest should not be allowed.

 8.         Combining two independent titles to make one new title and extracts from any existing title/s which does not make the new title substantially dissimilar would not be verified.

 9.         Titles would be considered similar if they contain the same words whether in same or in different order irrespective of language, place of publication and periodicity.

 10.       Suffixing or prefixing the words relating to city, state, periodicities, language, prepositions/adjectives, articles (A, An, The) etc., to an existing title can not be considered as different. Such most commonly used words are: The, Times, Daily, Dainik, Weekly, V/Wartha, Aaj, Today, Express, News, India, National, Rashtriya etc. Suffix or prefix of such words does not necessarily change the meaning of a title already verified. Therefore, titles with such prefixes and suffixes shall be considered as similar titles.

 11.       Prefixing or suffixing any generic word to any existing titles, which does not substantially alter formation or meaning to the existing title, would be considered similar to the existing titles. However generic words shall not be treated as proprietary.

 12.       In case of any doubt regarding same or similarity, the decision of Press Registrar will be final.

 13.       Press Registrar shall have power to cancel a verified title, if not registered, after recording the reason(s) in writing.

 14.       Titles resembling Government Organisations/Departments, names of National Leaders and Heads of the Government functionary cannot be verified in any language. Names of prominent political parties of Central/State Government shall be considered with proper justification.

 15.       Any title which is same or similar to any national emblem or name or given the impression of the patronage of Central Government or State Government or shows any connection with any local authority or any corporation or body or body corporate constituted by the government under any law, or any international organisation such as UN etc., shall not be allotted, as provided under “The emblem and names (Prevention of improper use) Act, 1950.”

 16.       The list is illustrative, but not exhaustive.



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