Hi All,
1.I have done a blunder mistake that I have done two marriage but I was trying to divorce to firstone but she is not ready to give me divorce. Court case she has files 498a, 494 against me . I am ready to fight with her throgh case.
2. My second marriage is also disturbed my inlaws has taken away my second wife with them , they are not raedy to send her to me until the first matter is resolved and they are threating me and my family to send the jail since my family was unaware of first marriage. Please let me know the possible ways so that I can save my family from jail since they all are innocent .
I want to punish my self but I want to keep my second wife as a wife since first one is so cruel.
After some layer suggestion my second wife family has registered a case of null and void against me so that my second wife be in safe mode I had also accpted this thing.
After that My father has done me Bedhkhal from his property and published in the news paper. Would this will be helpful to save my family from jail . And if I want to be with my second wife can they also send me jail , can police help me to getting my wife from my inlaws as they are planing for 420 and 498a against me.
please help me.