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Tarun B (Service)     05 July 2015

Procedure for filing a case in court without lawyer

Dear All,

Please explain the procedure and documents required for an individual to file a case / a suit in District Court, High Court and Supreme Court of India without a Lawyer. 

Please explain the steps and procedure in details and share any legal draft required to file the same. 

Help and support appreciated. 


 4 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     05 July 2015

Every petition must filed as in the name as  party - in - person. and submit. claints can argue in the court of law as party in person. 

1 Like

Mithalesh Srivastava   06 July 2015

This is very good question, I request to all experts that They should must reply this question. Please reply.
1 Like

Mithalesh Srivastava   06 July 2015

This is very good question, I request to all experts that They should must reply this question. Please reply.

YOUTH Raj   10 January 2025

mine is DVAC vigilance case. Accountant in Treasury. Alledged to have demanded and accepted Rs 1200 for passing bills from a staff nurse. It was based on a misunderstanding. But later when i got selected for a Gazzetted post i needed NOC from this treasury department but the trial was in snail pace. So i obtained Direction to expedite the process but that proved counterproductive as within a year trial completed but i was convicted despite of clear chance to acquit me. So lost the chance to join that gazetted post.  

Then in High court of Madras my appeal was pending for 8 long years.  When the Judge Velmurugan ayya..  took up my case my counsel on record failed to appear before him. Immediately the Judge cancelled my bail and asked the vigilance to produce me. on next hearing  morning 11 am he asked me to come with advocated by 4 pm but all my efforts went in vain i reported at 4 pm without advocates pleading for more time to arrange my counsel. But he turned deaf ear. remanded me for two weeks. and after two weeks too he asked me about advocate.. when i pleaded to let me out by restoring my bail or at least allow me to appear as party in person, he ignored my plea and  using legal aid he confirmed the conviction .

when i was inside the jail i could not arrange proper appeal at the supreme court. after a lapse of three months some how SLP was filed and the Supreme court plainly dismissed my SLP stating that it does not find any reason to interfere with the impugned order.

Well i have completed my sentence of 1 year.
after my release in 2023 Dec, i tried to contact my supreme court counsel. but only after 3 months i could reach him . He narrated what happened and how my SLP was blatantly dismissed. When i asked him about review petition, He said no scope for review . still if i prefer he would file RP..for that he wold charge 1.25 Lakh. Same time he said not scope at all for review nd hene asked me not to waste money and time.. 

This went on.. i cound not offered to pay such  huge amount that too when the fhane of outright rejection is more. 

Now i planning to appeal as party in person.

15 months delay.

Is there any chanc.e of condoning this delay.

how should i approach. my case for proper appeal / review.

my appel at high court went in vain by mishandling of the Judge
my SLP in Supremecourt simply dismissed.  

so what should i do get the justice done.

pl contact me...  suggest me.. the way out...
mail id:
cell: 95750055322

Raj, Chennai. 

Attached File : 1082192 20250110232824 rp condonation of delay.pdf downloaded: 20 times

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