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Raju kumar (chairman)     02 September 2021

Procedure to appoint a guardian by a paraplegic

Sir i am t6-t7 complete paraplegic. Cant able to sit, stand & walk. Living in bed for nearly 15 years (fractured my spinal cord in a road accident)

I am 40 yrs old, At present my mom is taking care of me & she is 73 yrs old. My father wrote a will infavour of me, tgat his property belongs to me after his demise, and i have the right to manage & sell the property if needed.

I have my brother, and tgey dont want the property to let with me. They want to register it in tgeir name, irrespective of my will.

My father is no more, the dispute is going on for few years. My mom is too old, till now she manages the property (its still in my fathers name) collects rent and taking care of me.

How can i take care of me after my mom, she is too old sir, her health condition also not well. As i am living in bed, my brother deluberately saying, "lets put him (me) in a room in top floor, and after he (die) lets share the property" .

My frnds are willing to help me, can i appoint any one of those trusted person as guardian

How can i get rid from my brother?

Please say the procedure for appointing a guardian for me sir. Is there any provision to appoint a guardian for me who is not my family member.

 3 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     02 September 2021

You can file a peition in the civil courts nearby. Guardianship is a legal process used to protect individuals who are unable to care for their own well-being due to infancy, incapacity or disability. A court will appoint a legal guardian to care for an individual, known as a ward, who is in need of special protection. Consult a local lawyer. He will guide you.

Raju kumar (chairman)     03 September 2021

Originally posted by : Rama chary Rachakonda

You can file a peition in the civil courts nearby. Guardianship is a legal process used to protect individuals who are unable to care for their own well-being due to infancy, incapacity or disability. A court will appoint a legal guardian to care for an individual, known as a ward, who is in need of special protection. Consult a local lawyer. He will guide you.

Any way to get rid of my brothers mental torcher. The will is in my name, & its registered in sub registrar office. but unable to transfer the property in my name. My mom is too afraid of my brothers. Any legal action shud i take against them, & how can i take it? Am in this problem since 2016. Even i cant able to meet a lawyer. As i am a paraplegic - cant able to sit, stand or walk. Doesnt know wat i am going to do in my future sir?

minakshi bindhani   18 October 2021

As per your concern query!

Under the National Trust Act, apart from parents, a disabled person’s relatives and registered organizations can also take the initiative to have a guardian appointed for a person with a disability.

Parents are the first national choice for guardianship of their child. It is important to note that either one of the parents can be a guardian, but it is preferable to have a joint guardianship.

In certain situations when the parents are unable to look after their child, such as poor health, they can nominate a person of their choice to assume guardianship.

Procedure to appoint a Guardian;

A parent or relative requires to move an application (Form-A) under Rule 16 (i) to the Local Level Committee asking for the appointment of a Guardian.

Hope it helps!
Minakshi Bindhani

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