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Madhuree (Student)     27 September 2011

Procedure to change the caste from sc to bc (vishwakarma)

My name is saravana kumar i am loving a girl he is from B.C.(vishwakarma)  community i am from S.C community. We know that their is no opposition  from the Law for intercaste marriage.  I got the infromation that we can able to change the caste with the help of the judge we have to get a new birth certificate and after that we can able to change the caste..

I am not clear with also those things...

Suggest me a procedure to convert my caste from SC to BC(vishwakarma)

 10 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     27 September 2011

Dear madhuree

there is no provision in the eyes of law to change caste, but offcourse if you willing to change your religion then you have fundamental rights to change it.

Madhuree (Student)     27 September 2011

Using the fundamental right how to change the caste

sagar padal (client technical support)     28 September 2011

If you love someone forget about the catse. These are just rules made my low men for personal benefits. In the eyes of God, every1 i equal. So just follow one law, that is teh law of truth, Be proud to be a SC and just go ahead and marry her if you love her. No point thinking of ways to dilute the emotions of other people. Its your life, live it like the way you want,

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     04 October 2011

If there was a provision under law to change one's caste, I also would like to know that. There are many Brahmins who are waiting out there  for an opportunity to convert themselves to a Scheduled Caste or at least to OBC so that they can avail of many caste benefits. In order to give Social Justice there should be a provision in  law and a procedure for conversion to another caste particularly a lower one.

Madhuree (Student)     04 October 2011

Sir.. What i am telling..

I am willing to give up my caste apart for the government benifits..

You said that may Brahmins were waiting out for an opportunity to convert themselves to scheduled caste.

They want to get the benifits of the government so they are willing..

Here i am giving up my all the benefits and i want to change the caste..

Then only the girls parents and community will accept me..

S.K.Maanav (International President International Hindu Personal Law Board)     08 October 2011

There is no legal procedure to change caste, caste is fixed by the caste of your father and you cannot change him by any means. You are hindu first later sc. sc is not caste but it is a group of people having different caste, classified by law to provide facility for their social upliftment. don't pay too much for marriage. just wait and try to seek another way to get married.

Madhuree (Student)     08 October 2011

Sir.. i once i heared by a lawyer that we can able to change our caste... for that we have to consult a judge and have to get a new birth certificate and we have to get the another community certificate for which caste we have to change. and one more way also there if we want to change a particular caste we have to get permission of the same caste person and with the help of the person we can change i hered this in some post on web. Here i want to conform that wheathere both are true or not..

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     09 October 2011

Caste is based on birth. It is not possible to change one's caste by any means. What the lawyer told you was wrong. Either he is a fool himself or he was trying to make you a fool.

kishorebabu s (rm)     28 October 2011

Dear sir, my parents caste is BC, they are un-educated people written in my school days SC  caste,because schlorship purpose.after my school days iam trying to change my caste  school officials  not changed my caste, now completed my graudation also, tahere is any way to change my caste, pleas help me

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     29 October 2011

Dear Madhuree:

Are you boy or girl? Madhuree is a good name like Madhuri Dixit. In any way, if you are a boy and want to marry a girl of a caste higher to your own caste, I can suggest a way. Both of you go to an Arya Samaj Mandir and join Arya Samaj. There is no caste for Arya Samajists. Arya Samajists are still Hindus. As, in terms of caste, both of you will be equal, you can have an Arya Samaj marriage.

@Kishorebabu S.

If you had obtained a caste certificate, for a caste lower than your actual caste, it is a punishable offence. Trying to change back to a higher caste after enjoying all the benefits of a lower caste, can land you in trouble. But why do you want to change? In Society your actual caste will have caste name. You do not have to flaunt your caste certificate any more. If something bothers you still, as in the case of Madhuree, I suggest that you join Arya Samaj.

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