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lakshmisri (professional)     24 May 2011

Procedure to change the DOB in birth certificate


I want to know how to change the date of birth in birth certificate.

One of my friend has different date of birth in the certificates (school, college etc.) and the birth certificate. Since her DOB lies after 26-Jan-1989, birth certificate is mandatory for applying passport.

Kindly let me know, is there any ways to apply for passport without submitting birth certificate or any other ways to change the DOB in the birth certificate.

 31 Replies

arul siva (nagercoil)     25 May 2011

u can get a direction from court to correct the date of birth...

PAVAN KUMAR AKA (Junior Civil Judge)     25 May 2011

Firstly you have to verify on which basis the date of birth was entered in to SSC marks list.   In many states, the date of birth in the SSC marks list will be considered as proof of it.   Some times, the date of birth certificate issued by the Municipal/Local bodies willl be considered.  As such, first of all you have to verify all these points.   Later, on having proper idea of all these variations, you have to approach the jurisdiction Court of law in Civil nature submitting all the facts and to file a suit seeking directions to the concerned authorities to correct the date of birth and basing on the grounds explained, the direction will be given by the Court.   Then only, it is applicable. 

Sankar (Engineer)     30 May 2011


I do not have a birth certificate. I have used my SSLC certificate till now as DOB proof. Now i need my birth certificate, and i have applied for a birth certificate with the copy of SSLC . I have received reply from corporation that it is not registered yet. Please let me know how to proceed with getting a birth certificate? I am from Kerala.

PAVAN KUMAR AKA (Junior Civil Judge)     01 June 2011

In such case you need to apply for the Mandal Revenue Officer of your area informing the same fact of your unableness to get registration of your date of birth. Then on causing enqquiry, they will issue one certificate and basing on that you need to apply to Sub Collector seeking direction to issue directions to the local birth and death registrar (municipality) to register your date of birth with name.

lakshman (engineer)     28 June 2011

Hi,I do have the same problem...i.e.,D.O.B in all certificates is same except DO.B. certificate issued from registrar of births and deaths...I want to change the the date in D.O.B. certificate.

In my case the reason is when i am small i have given the birth year as 1989(actually 1990) to school because every student is telling his birth year as 1989 and i dont know the exact year of my birth at that i simply told 1989..

Now can you please elaborate what is the detailed process.??what are the 'facts' that i have to submit??

PAVAN KUMAR AKA (Junior Civil Judge)     29 June 2011

Its better to cause enquiries in your Local Revenue authoriteis. But, it may be a difficult for you to get changed your date of birth now, since a suspecion may arouse as to change of date of birth at this juncture.  Even though, it is better to get enquiries with your local authoriteis and basing on the discussions, a solution can be found at some times.

B.Vidyasagar (Technician)     23 November 2011

Dear Sir,

I want to know how to change the date of birth in SSC certificate becoz when i was joined in 6th class(with School TC)my DOB was 1979yr but I got the SSC certificate with DOB 1977 passed year 1994.

Pls let me know the procedure to follow to change the Date of Birth in SSC certificate.

Thanks & Regards,


Vijay Bhaskar (Designer)     15 August 2012

Dear SIr,

My date of birth is 19/08/1990 in my all certificates, voter id card, driving licence, ration card and bank passbooks, But in DOB certificate my dob is 19/10/1990 istead of 19/08/1990. I want to change my dob in my DOB Certificate. Is there any ways to change it. Kindly help me.

Thanking you.

Vijay Bhaskar

surjit singh (Assistant)     15 August 2012

MR AKA is correct, it appears he has good experience in this procedure and field.

ullas (professional)     06 November 2012

Dear Sir, I was born in sharjah on 11th jan 1990 around 11:50pm( IST +4:30). Since at that time  birth certificate was not important my parents didnt collect it. Now since its mandatory for passport i somehow manged to obtain a birth certificate from dubai consulate , but my DOB is 11th on it and no  time was mentioned.'

Since my  parents decided to follow IST my DOB was given 12 th jan in all academic and corporate records.

Can you please advice on how to proceed with this change in DOB.


If needed to file an application in court ,please tell me the process ,fees and time it will take.

Prakash (lead)     15 November 2012

Hi bhaskar ..  Mine is the same case as of yours of birth certificate, i am not getting how do i get out of these, Have you came acorss any GOOD SOUTION or whats the procedure to get the date changed in birth certificate ,i hope u see the post as REPLAY Soon as possible.Thanx in advance ..ALL THE BEST ...

Sanjeev Dudhat (Lawyer)     29 January 2013

I have similar problem with my client. She has her dob 23/10/1946 on her school leaving certificate, and on other documents including passport. In 1946 neither such Birth Certificate {BC} was needed for admissions in school nor was it needed for passport before 1970 But Now for GC {Green Card} original dob is needed and we applied in for the same in her home city where her birth was registered on date 23/7/1946. If we request to change the dob on passport, still GC is remote as change in birth date is not accepted by Consulate offices and procedures hang. Also if we ask municipal authority, they say, if birth date is already 23/7/1946 is there, how can they provide even non existence certificate of 23/10/1946. We are not understanding how to manage this situation.
1 Like

sai (student)     19 May 2013


I'm prashanth from gujarat.. My duplicate Birth date is 26th sep. 1992, which is appear in all my documents like 

in 10th,12th & birth of certificate

 but my orginal date of birth is 26th Sep. 1993 So,i wanna change 

in 10th,12th & birth of certificate

 .. Therefore, I want to know that, Under which section of Indian Law I can change it?

sai (student)     19 May 2013

Kindly reply soon...








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