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Khanna-Khanna (Engineer)     13 May 2011

Procedure to start a sports club in chennai ?


Dear All ,

Me and my friends together want to start a sports/badminton club in chennai - for commercial purpose .

1) what's the legal procedure to start such a club ?

2) where I can get the above details ?

3) Any other useful information/suggestion in this regard would be much help. 

Thanks and Regards,


 4 Replies

Snigdha (advocate)     14 May 2011

Hi Prem

My name is Snigdha. To start up, first and foremost you will be required to get your company registered. After that you will be required to get lot many licenses. If you want the details regarding it, you can mail me at i work with a law firm and can do all these work at Chennai for you. If you are intrested, you can contact me.

Best wishes and regards


1 Like

Khanna-Khanna (Engineer)     16 May 2011

Thanks Snigdha . Let me get in touch with you .



Murali (Advocate and Corporate Consultant)     16 May 2011

Dear Sir, If you want to start any business for profit which has legal sanctity, you can do either as a proprietor or under partnership firm or under a company limited by shares. You need to decide the mode first and it all depends upon your expected size of business, exact nature of business, whether all the finances can be internally arranged or the same is to be tied with up with any banker and are there any associates with or without financial interest in the proposed business and where do you want to start the business etc.,. Anyhow, the formalities and compliances for any of the above are very limited and there are any number of agencies like, Chartered Accountants and Company secretaries etc., in every city to guide you. However, post registration compliances and requirements are many and who so ever is starting the business should adhere to such post compliances.

Regards, Murali Krishna W

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Khanna-Khanna (Engineer)     05 July 2011

Dear Mr.Murali - thanks a lot for your valuable advice . That gives me some clue where to start .

Regards - Prem

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