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Dawinder Aulakh   15 July 2017

promissory note blank cheques

i gave 8lacs rupees in November 2014 to a old person on intrest rate 18% yearly and he give me promissory without witness and without notary attestation and he also gave me two blank cheques and now he died four months ago and his legal heirs was making false promises and now totally denied my money. what should i do???
they are my relatives that's why now they are making me fool

 6 Replies

Azhagananth (Lawyer)     15 July 2017

Since the author of the Negotiable Instrument died, nothing survives.

unless, one of the Legal Heir's come forward and "Renewal" such Negotiable Instrument and accepts to pay.

Note: Such renewal has to be done in writing within three years of the date of Negotiable Instrument.

Dawinder Aulakh   15 July 2017

three years is going to be in November 2017

Dawinder Aulakh   15 July 2017

legal heirs are two. one is ready to pay for half but second denies

Azhagananth (Lawyer)     15 July 2017

Then get the Renewal/ Acknowledgement from the person who accepts it, to repay it and such Renewal/ Acknowledgement should be done at earliest earliest.. 

Also the pronote should be filled "  loan was obatained for the purpose of his Childern/legal heirs" 



Dawinder Aulakh   15 July 2017

he can but only for half money. second is denying

Azhagananth (Lawyer)     15 July 2017

Get the 'Renewal' for full money.Credit the payment of the person made in back of pronote {of what he pay} and for remaning half amount sue them it is the only way that you can claim back the amount. if not "Debt ends/dies with the death of that person"

NOTE: Pronote has validity of three years only from the date of making it, but it  may be renewed with terms and conditions

Rush to Senior lawyer at Civil Side of your area, for better details

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