I joined as a Asst. manager at an autonomous body in Nov2009. As per our recruitment rules (RR)i am eligible for Manager after 5 years. ie, after 2014 Nov, i am eligible for Manager.
And, in our organisation there were some promotion issue before joining me in the organisation and that was solved in the year of 2012 by promoting the three of the employees as an Asst. Manager.
As per our recruitment rules (RR) to become the manager , the candidate should have 5 years experience as Asstt. Manager. As per this rule i am the senior.
But they are claiming that, they were eligible to Asst. Manager before joining me. So they demand to the management to give the seniority than me. ie, when they were eligible to that post (Asstt. Manager).
Moreover i am outsider. They are local people.
Could you please suggest me, is there any rule in this regard and any judgement ref. So that i can inform to my ministry thru proper document.