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anand das (service)     10 May 2010

proof of a proprietary firm ?

What proof should be asked from a person if he is claiming that he is having a proprietory firm?


How to determine that a proprietory firm is existing?

thanking you.

 14 Replies

Ravi Kumar (Lawyer)     10 May 2010

Dear Sir, you can get a documentry proof of  proprietory firm like any certificate issued by Commercial Tax Department, Custom & Excise Department, PAN Card, Certifiacte issued by Labour Department, Balance Sheet etc...

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CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     10 May 2010

shop establishment certificate is also an evidence.

1 Like

anand das (service)     12 May 2010

thank you sirs.

Got it.

thanks again.

Saurabh Bansal (Tax Consultant)     13 May 2010

Copy of bank statement is also a proof..

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Vineet (Director)     13 May 2010

PAN card can not be a proof for propreitory business as it is issued in the name of individual.


Bank Statement, certificate issued by Commercial Tax Department and audited balance sheet are better evidences.

anand das (service)     14 May 2010

PAN cards are also issued in the name of companies. And i think there is no wrong if PAN card can also be treated as a proof of a proprietary firm.

Vineet (Director)     14 May 2010

Dear Mr Anand Company is a distinct entity as "person" for the purposes of Income Tax Act whereas the proporeitory concern is not distinct from its propreitor which may be individual, HUF, Company. No seperate PAN card is issued for propreitory concern as IT Act does not recognise it as a seperate person. So from PAN card you can never find out status or existance of a propreitory concern.
1 Like

anand das (service)     15 May 2010

Thank you Mr Vineet for clarifying this point.

P.K.Haridasan (Advocate)     20 May 2010

The trading licence issued  by the local authority  for doing business will show the existence of a  business firm.

1 Like

anand das (service)     01 June 2010

what is a trading license issued by a local authority to a proprietary firm?

P.K.Haridasan (Advocate)     04 June 2010

You have to get permission from the local authority to start an office/trade/business within its jurisdiction. This is known as trading license. 

mbl.nlsiu (student)     05 June 2010

Dear All,


I want to register a magazine in chennai. what is the procedure for that. where to approach? or whom to approach?

Thanks in advance.

anand das (service)     08 June 2010

I think you should visit registrar of newspapers and Books. You can search on google for this and see the contacts for registrars of newspapers of India. Its HEad office is at New Delhi and regional office at other places in India.

Sachin (Propritor)     04 May 2013

@ Mr. veenit I hv a propritory firm with a different name.I want to register a franchise under that name. I have been chasing a stock broker to grant me a sub broker franchise under this name. But their office staff asked me to produce firm's PAN number. several time told them that I m the owner of the frim. Even if the firm has a different name I have a shop & establishment licence stating my firms name and me as a propritory owner. But these ppl keep on repeating the same thing again and again. I would be greatful if u provide me any link whereby I can show them what they r demanding is wrong and might attract penalty if I apply for another PAN in this context. Rgds Sachin

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