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skumar (abc)     21 March 2015

Proofs of submission of service tax by outsourcing agency

Dear Fellow members Namaskar,

                                                I am working as a DDO in Govt. office and we have deployed an outsourcing agency to provide manpower (non-skilled/semi-skilled). the agency charges us Service Tax @ 12% + 2% Edu. Cess & 1% Secondary Edu. Cess on the Gross amount of the bill. After paying them service tax, we demand proofs of submission of service Tax from the Agency.

                                              The agency is submitting Form G.A.R-7 for Service Tax Payments which shows the total service tax paid by the agency in a particular month. But this form contains the total amount submitted by the agency for all its contracts going on i.e.: which also includes contracts going on in other offices. However we need to know is that whether the Outsourcing agency has submitted the amount of Service tax paid by us to them. How should we ensure that the agency submits the service tax actually and submits us proper poofs of submission of service tax in our office's name?

 3 Replies

dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court)     22 March 2015

you get hold of their TAN  particulars and send a letter to the relevant service tax authority then you can get what amounts are paid that way you can issue a letter t service tax authority concerned what service tax amounts you paid under what invoices to the man power supplier...then cat will be out! 

skumar (abc)     24 March 2015

Thanks a lots Dr. ji for your reply


T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     25 March 2015

Agreed with Adv. Balakrishanan's views, you may proceed as suggested by him.

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