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Mamatha Aluri   12 March 2019


Hello sir,
My house was registered as a gift deed on my mother name from my father name. Intially land is on my father and grand mother name. My brother in-law took my mother to the sub rigister office and forced her to do the signature on the gpa which is named on the some other person. She is an illiterate women. Blindly beliveing my brother in law my mother signed on the gpa. She did not took any amountfrom any one. We tried to solve with local villege people. But the matter was not solved. This gpa holder sold this property to some other person. This complete issue was done without knowing me, my brother and my father. Do we have the right to claim my property. In what way. Please tell me sir.


 1 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     12 March 2019

You have to file case with strong evidence.  consult an experienced advocate who has knowledge in property matters.

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