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Ashish (Owner)     28 July 2014

Property attachment

Dear sir,
I have purchased one property, but the seller has some 138 cases on him, so some people
have brought attachment on property ( which i have purchased )for the recovery of amount.
But the property which i have purchased have nothing to do with the people how brought
attachment & even through i don't know hem.
Due to  which i am unable to transfer my  property in my name.
While this people who brought attachment don't have the license  of money lending.
so please help me listing some of the cases ( to study ) with judgement so that i can make

my property withdrawal from the cases & transfer in my name.
Already we are running the cases & added as one of the party in the cases.

Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully,
Ashish Bajaj


 2 Replies


1)Ur property attached because not transfered ur name. 2) next date in court of attachment request court for adding ur name for recovery 3)if matter is with EOW make appn with evidence to Magistrate/EOW to include ur name in list of 138. Hope clear

VIRAJ KADAM (Advocate Supreme Court of India)     28 July 2014

Dear Friend

First thing to do is to become a party in the other Court proceedings for recovery. Secondly, what is the amount due to the financial institute or private lenders? find out that. Also you will have to challenge the attachment. Consult a good lawyer who will guide you to protect your property and money. 



Advocate, Supreme Court of India

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