no law or statute can ever be arbitrary that is mandatory for any judicial review, your qerry whether you could move high court,.... but there are a few preliminaries for judicial review.. your question could you buy for 40 lacs the said property that becomes a question of appeal as the bank would not agree asthe new banking laws with various confusing provisions of law and statutes really confound issues but such illogical laws persist,after all DRT IS not of judges but some executives as their correct appreciation of laws on the anvil of constitution of india is never expected (it is like in the UK the lower tribunal in immigration laws, the higher like UIT- upper tribunal might over turn the lower tribunals' order but house of lords could over turn under humanitarian grounds even against the secy of state dispensations), that way every higher tribunals enjoy powers, but one need note tribunals are just preliminary executive 'fact finding' system, and it applies relevant statutes but enjoys no power to mdify the section as such, that way appeals would proceed, but when matter moves to high courts naturally the high courts invariably look more on question of law and if the statutes vitally not meaningful then it applies doctrine of severability if it can really sand alone, if not very act is unsustainable then the Act would get quashed is the priciple of laws.
hope u got. tks