A. Civil Case
1. We have purchased an open plot ( dec.2012).
2. Seller (70 years) taken total consideration and registered in my name.
3. Seller said this property belongs to his ancestral property and singed his family (sons and daughters) members in sale deed.
4. Now his sister (72 years) filed a case (Feb.13) that claiming part of ownership, partition of the property. I understand seller himself doing all this for additional money and enquired about him that is his character of cheating.
B. Criminal Case
5. Now again he filed a criminal case (Feb.14), Cr.pc 190,200,201 u/s 147 427.379, 380,306,290 IPC against me that some articles, kept at my plot were stolen by me (false allegation) and dismantled the old asbestos house and court send me summons to attend. He is taking advantage that I reside far other city and non-local of that village and litigating money on immoral grounds)
6. Filed two above cases, Please help me, how precede this case