My granddad has not left the will & now his daughters are claiming for the property but me & my brother who are his second son's children want to claim that property sharing it with my other two cousins, now my aunts has sent us the notice claiming for the property in 4 partition (one for my aunt who is unmarried, one in the name of the trust which grandpa had made before his death but as of now there is no office in the trust name nor the president or vice-president, and other two for their 2 brothers that is my uncle & my dad) my question is can I & my brother with my 2 other couisons can claim that complete property as we dont want to share it with grandpa's daughter they seem to be too greedy? our plan is that we will divide the property in 4 division but as two houses for my 2 cousins, one for my brother & one for my unmarried aunt, but she cannot sell the property & after her death I will be the owner of that property.. I am married & still can wait for the property as I am settled but it is not possible that my brother be in kiosk thinking if he can own a house or not. Moreover he is staying in the same house with parents, tomorrow if my aunts & uncle claim that property then we will be left with nothing. More over they had tried cheating us by showing 2 duplicate will which was not registered & was written on a plain sheet wih the forgour signatures on the following dates for eg: 5th May one will & on 6th May other will, but we have found out that those will have no value as they were not registered. we doubt that there is a will & my aunts are not showing us that & wants to play a game with us. Is there a better way to solve this issue.