Dear experts,
We are from Ap, A,B,C are 3 brothers. they are having 40acres ancestral property. C is unmarried and totally spent his life with A's family. 3 are govt employees. B living in a city from last 30 years , with out doing any help in agriculture. they haven't divided officially. B sold 17 acres of land after C demise. he and A made signatures and total amount given to B(not mentioned but witness is there in village). Recently A died intestate.He served the family and doing agriculture from last 35 years.In pattadar pahani his name only reflecting.But again B came into picture and asking a share . Mean while B is having residential building in City.
My question is
1.Will 'B' claim any land property, For his share he may get 13-14 acres, Already he sold 17 acres.
2.'A' aquired some land with his amount, now B claiming that also.
3.'B' is not willing to share his residential property in city, but officially they haven't divided their property.