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Narinder (y)     03 June 2011

Property Dispute related to Partition

Hi ,

My Father has four brothers and Our Property is at the name of Grand father of my father, but now in municipal committe it is at the name of my father and three uncle.

we have taken new property with the help of home loan, now we have to pay home loan for which , we are asking our uncle's to either pay us equivalent to our part in property or make partition and give us our area or sale this property to outside people. but neither they are paying us nor they are doing any partition and always say to sale this property but when any person comes for buying they say him , it is dipusted property or they ask huge amount from buyer.

I require the suggestion , how i can solve this problem legally , even i am ready to buy the property and to pay genuine amount but when i ask them they said require double amount as the charge outside.


 2 Replies

prabhakar singh (advocate)     03 June 2011

Filing a suit for partion is the only remedy to your problem.

prabhakar singh (advocate)     03 June 2011

Filing a suit for partition is the only remedy to your problem.

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