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Adv Nitin Kumar (Selfemployed)     09 November 2011

Property - expert help required

If a person have self aquired property & have three son, but person want to give his property to only one son,

1. It can be through will or any other document?

2. It can be challenged by other two son or grand son in futureo

 7 Replies

Aarif (nil)     10 November 2011

It is the will of the owner to handover the property to whomsoever he wishes, no other party or his own son can claim the share on those.

1 Like

Amit Mahajan (RH-Legal)     10 November 2011

you can transfer the property at your WILL indisputedly,

kindly go through the reuirements as per Special leave Petition of  Suraj Lamp &  Industries Vs. State of Haryana, decided on 11th October 2011 decided by apex court

1 Like

radha (house wife)     10 November 2011

i had booked an apartment  in 2007 and  possesion was supposed to be in 2008 dec , but till date i have not recieved by apartment i had made excess payment before 2008 , 90% of the payment is done .

1)can i take this matter to consumer court if the value of the flat is more than 30 lakhs ? or please tell me

how can i proceed as its already 2011 i have been losing on rent and increasing EMI

Dushyant (DATA EXPERT)     10 November 2011

We are Three Brothers, the property is  self aquired property of my father, and my father declared his will before his death and clearly mantion that property is equially devided in all three son's but after death of father elder Brother  named complete property to himself without showing will to Govt. officals.

1. I have a  original copy of Will .

2. land name conversion document through RTI. 

3. The matter is more then 10 years old

4. How can I get stay on property.

Rajesh Hazra (Mediator and Legal Counsel )     10 November 2011

Dear Friend,

Apply for a Probate before the appropriate Court. Once the Probate proceeding is over you are the holder of Succession Certificate.

Hope the matter is clear.


Rajesh Hazra (Mediator and Legal Counsel )     10 November 2011

Thanks to Mr.Amit Mahajan for the valuable case law decided on WILL.


Adv Nitin Kumar (Selfemployed)     11 November 2011


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