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F L SHAIKH (JOBLESS)     22 February 2010

Property fraud


Iam from Mumbai and my Wife is from Lucknow,
My mother in law took Rs 2 lacs in dd deposited to her account way back in 2006 prior to my marraige and immediate after my engagement asking to purchase a Land in Lucknow during 2006 the plots were very cheap showing an unability to purchasemy mother in law forced me and threatened me of breaking my engagement unless and until i will purchase a plot, i was helpless as me and my wife was in deep love, On sending 2 Lac Rs from dubai by DD which was deposited in her Account she then took a plot in 4 lacs saying that the plot will be half mine and half hers as iam 2 lacs and she will pay 2 lacs, On asking the partnership deed she said that as iam in dubai the deed cannot be prepared as of now and initially will be purchased on her name and when i will visit india she will make the agreement accordingly.

After 2 yrs me and my wife got married and after some issues and my mother in law has forced my wife to take divorce and the deed was never prepared she wants to eat my given money for investment,

Pls suggest me ways to recover my money as per todays cost of land.


 1 Replies

dharm (acts)     22 February 2010

dear all,

i hv a query related to fraud in ownership.actually my grandpa had two brothers and they had lots of agricultural land. around 30yrs ago my grandpa leave his native village and migrate to town, and that time land was not partitioned and my grandpa's brother were taking care of land and they were cultivated that land.

now years later when we moved to our native village we found that there is big fraud did by my grandpa's brothers, now their family has lots of land bt in our grandpa's name its too little. its clearly understandable that they did fraud and the land which is in the name of my grandpa, his girdawari is also were changed by grandpa's brother in their name.


now question is that will we get our land return back if yes than how can we proceed?


awaiting ur suggestion eagerly



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