Can my father gift his property to 2nd wife?It was earned by him only.He is the sole owner of the property.This is not an ancestral property.
How does it differ if it was an ancestal property?
PavanKumar (S/W Engineer) 07 October 2011
Can my father gift his property to 2nd wife?It was earned by him only.He is the sole owner of the property.This is not an ancestral property.
How does it differ if it was an ancestal property?
PavanKumar (S/W Engineer) 07 October 2011
More Info : My mother is alive and has kids.My father's 2nd wife does not have any children
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 07 October 2011
He can not only gift to his 2nd wife, but to anyone even to an idol, to his pet, just about anybody.
Shonee Kapoor