Amit Sahu 29 September 2019
Real Soul.... (LEGAL) 29 September 2019
Tenenacy does not end with the death of tenant as it will be hiered by his sucessors.
If you have any deed or agreement that has been executed by the tenant that would show that upon death of tenant the tenancy shall end the enforce that
Amit Sahu 29 September 2019
Real Soul.... (LEGAL) 29 September 2019
That is not correct ; Once tenant dies the tenancy rights pass on to legal heirs. Tenancy rights does not end at the death of tenant.
Shashi Dhara 30 September 2019
Amit Sahu 30 September 2019
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 02 October 2019
Basically succession right depends on the tenancy agreement. Long long ago there were no succession rights for tenancy. Tenancy mainly meant tenancy for cultivable land. Same law applied for tenancy of residences also. Landlord was the absolute owner of the property and he could even summarily evict a tenant. Then came socialism and the concept of permanent tenants. Permanent tenancy became something that cannot be extinguished. When something cannot be extinguished someone should always be there to hold it. Thus came the concept of transferability and inheritability. Tenancy can be inherited the same way as an immovable property. In order to explain further I cite another case. Once upon a time landline telephone connections were difficult to get and there were long waiting periods. Then came own your own telephone connection scheme. People could purchase a teleconnection by paying a lumpsum. Waiting periods for connections got reduced. Succession and inheritability of telephone connections came into existance.