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santosh   21 September 2017

property tax payers can be the owner

Hi grand father has three sons and one father is elder son for my grand father and we are two daughters.goverment gave small open land to my grand father and he gave it to my father to father constructed house in that govt land and staying from last 16-20 yrs.recently my father I went to pay the property tax .the property tax is in the name of my father.not in grand fathers name.but now my grand mother wants to give that house to his grand son.if we asked that house is given by grandfather.then she replied that we are we wont get any she doesn't want to give any property to us including my fathers property which will legally should get from my grand fathers their any chance to get the house which I given by my grnad father.why because it is not registered to father.just my father constructed house with his own money and staying since 15-20 yrs.and house tax is in my fathers name.pls tell me any tips to get my fathers property

 2 Replies

Siddharth Srivastava (Advocate)     21 September 2017

Mere payment of house tax does not confer any ownership right to a payer in respect of property. It is incorrect that grand daughters does not have inheritance right. In whose name the land falls? Is there any registry in respect of land or allotment? Has your grand father left any WILL? If there is no WILL then the p[roperty is liable to be divided in equal proportion and your bgrandmother is also entilted to have one equal share and you being legal heir of your father, hence, you both are entitled to have shares of your father. The conception of your grand mother is incorrect. Consult a lawyer with all details and documents.

P. Venu (Advocate)     21 September 2017

Yes, the property is jointly vested with the legal heirs of your late grandfather. A mere entry in the municipal/ revenue records or payment of taxes does not constitute title to property.

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