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pankaj (manager)     17 April 2013

Prpoerty rights agaisnt grandfather property

Dear Sir,

My grand parents property has been acquired by a company and company has given us plots on lease against their residential property. Grand father has been expired long time ago in 1984. Grandmother is living with her younger son from begning. She wants to transfer her property in the name of her younger son only.

Now i want to know that can other sons claim for the same or not? Has they righs on the same as if mother wants to transfer the plots in th name of her younger son only.



 2 Replies

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     17 April 2013

plots on lease against their residential property

what is the meaning of this particular sentence 

every one has equal share in the property 

Akshay Sahni (Founder/Partner)     17 April 2013

Dear Sir, Yes you can claim your share as well, do not delay for filing the suit for partition.

We can assist you regarding the same, for any further queries please visit

We have offices in New Delhi, Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Baroda, Ahemedabad, Chennai.



Akshay Sahni



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