I am planning to buy a open plot at a venture in Hyderabad(Gandi Maisamma).
This is a HMDA approved venture with LP number.
However I came to know that when we purchase a plot in this venture in the sale deed they
are mentioning all the survey numbers as 77/A,77/AA,78/A,78/B,78/B/1,80,82/A,86/EE etc.
They are not mentioning one perticular survey nubmer in which our plot falls in. When I ask
the developer they are telling since they have developed 22Acrs of land of various survey numbers
under one venture they mention all the survey number for each plot registration.
I verified few docs through online EC. All the link docs and new sale deeds have sy.nos like this only.
Is it valid to give all the sy.nos for one plot in a venture?
Apart from this I observed one more thing. ie. they have mentioned the survey
numbers as 77,78,80,82,86 (without A B c) in all the documents like below.
Irrigation dept NOC, NOC from DC.
conversion letter from agriculture to residential.
HMDA approval letter,
HMDA layout permit approval.
etc.. and also in
mortgage plots with MR as commission Metropolitan HMDA.
Why the survey numbers differ from our sale deeds to the above mentioned docs?
Will this create any dispute or litigation in future?
Do you find any chance of any kind fraud (now or in future may arise)like double registrations, ownership disputes,
permissions from local authorities..etc.
Or have they mentioned entire sy.nos as 77,78,80...etc. to cover all the parts like 77/a,b,c,etc.?
Looking forward for your kind advice ASAP. That will defenately help me.
Thanks a lot