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Purpose of courts:

"The Courts are made for the public at large and for the redressal of their disputes. It is also expected that the justice delivery system should be easily accessible to the citizens and justice should be delivered at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, the easy access, cheaper justice system and speedy decision are the best factors of any judicial system from the view point of the citizen".
2009 (4) Mh. L.J. 242.


 1 Replies

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     06 September 2011

In fact, our country has expertise in such percepts like: "Preventive medicine - Cure at the symptom and not after it blows into full disease", "Preventive Crime - A spark causes a fire. Thus, the spark is solved at that level itself". Virtues were held so highly in society that one would take care, treat, demand the same things from his/her son, relative's kith and kin, neighbour's kith and kin, society at large. We are doing lot of disservice to ourselves by blindly aping the west in all aspects. India was amongst the least policed countries. India had the least numbers of courts. Every father/mother was a police, every house was a court. All used to respect each house as an organisation with independent goals, purposes, modes etc. All used to work in unison. There was so much of joy. Today, the neighbour in the next seat, the neighbour next door, the brother in the same family etc are THE TROUBLE MAKERS. What to say, what to say.


So much of complexity all around. Justice gets delivered posthumously!!! Justice is deliberately made so highly impossible, costly to discourage one from standing up and quelling the injustice, getting the criminal punished.


With all these artificialties of 6th pay commissions, DA raises etc becoming a routine, where are we, where are we. Courts used to operate on minimal money. Now it operates only on money. Money part is either hidden or open (through sky high fees). But, both operate very authoritatively.

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