One of my friends, Sumit, has taken divorce recently under sec 13 B (2) in Dec last year by way of mutual consent. As per the agreement between both the parties, Sumit had to pay 9 Lacs in three installments i.e. 3 Lacs at the time of 1st motion, 3 Lacs at the time of 2nd motion and remaining 3 lacs at the time of quashing of FIR u/s 406/498A in the High Court. Sumit has already paid two installments .i.e. 6 Lacs in total during 1st motion and the 2nd motion. He is ready with the Draft of another 3 Lacs but his wife has refused to sign the petiton (Affidavit, etc.) for quashing FIR. She is not cooperating although as per mutual settlement she is required to cooperate to quash FIR. So, Sumit has decided to move the petition to the High Court and get his wife summoned. Registry at the High Court has asked for 2-3 page Synopsis of the events till date between Sumit and his wife. Is this the requirement of High Court? If yes, what all details Synopsis should carry? Also, what else Sumit can do so that things happen as per the mutual settlement and his wife starts cooperating?