My wife is decade old to me and we had luv marriage she use to work with me.
She is risiding in delhi since birth at different address with education /marriage/job everything in delhi.
She left my house and filled a complaint which was investiated and closed stating the reason malified by I.O. the complaint was filed in U.P. as her brother after our marriage they made a small 1 bhk house there for investment. however they are residing in delhi. and own a house.
she move district court u.p. and the court sent the case to CAW who after 5 sittings & looking at the evidence the CAW placed her investigation report where she did not found anything true and citited the complaint as malified.
after that court ignoring the CAW report and initial complaint report. gave orders to FIR. I surrendered and court sent me to jail. i am on bail.
Chargesheet was submitted for which i have appealed for quashing H.C. put a stay and asked for counter from state.
THe counter did not containted the statements of my mother in law and brother in law which were originally submiited in the chargesheet and also the malified/self made testimonies the i.o. has taken of my neighbours in delhi were not mentioned.
I have video footage/Govt employee HRD letter/Phone records showing that we never came to u.P. as per the alleged incident mentioned in the FIR. vs the i.o. has submitted the testimonies of alleged neighbours of my wife.
I also have my company letters/Phone records/ stating that i also never came to u.p. as per the alleged incident.
As per her alleged incident she has stated we use to demand for a car and cash however in the counter they have accepted she use to drive my own car to her office everyday.
My wife women cell version states they she left with her all belongings from my home vs she has stated she was thrown out of our home. proof ( phone records/ my 2complaint to police station delhi that she has left my home was 2 weeks prior of her false date mentioned in the fir of u.p
the case was filled after 3 months in u.p. of the alleged incident in delhi & showing a new incident in u.p.
My married sister was also metioned in the incident wher we went to u.p/ for harrassing my wife.
The I.o. stated we denied helping in investigtion vs i have proof he did nto gve me a call neither visited my home during the date he has mentioned in the chargesheet for any investigtion. vs i surrendered in court and the i.o. also threatened me in jail for diar consequences.
ALSO MY MARRIED SISTER WITH 3 TENDER KIDS OF 2 TO 8 WAS ROPED IN . IN the fir her address has been shown to be my home however she stayes somewhere else for last 10 years of her mariage.
My wife and her lawyers demanded 5 lacs to take her complaint back. & they made a malified and a case in u.p. just to harrass. please help.
I have a issue 6 years old been left with me whome i luv more than my life.
MY question is ?
Weather the proof submitted in the HIgh court for quashing is good enough?
wheather i should go for a written argument with the rejoinder?
I have lost my grandfather
My father met with heartattack knowing i was in jail
reqeust for scincere help!