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Query on Common Civil Procedure Code



Family laws are different to different religions. Once we the citizen of India abide by the constitution's preamble why didn't we have Common Civil Procedure Code?

Is Government itself violating Constitution's Preamble?


Please clarify

 9 Replies

Anish goyal (Advocate)     06 December 2009

I also want to see a uniform civil code as a rule of law in my india of dreams. But the reality is that indian society is still not advanced enough to adapt itself with it. That was the reason uniform civil code were made part of directive principle of state policy but not the fundamental rights.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     06 December 2009

The framer of the constitution were very much aware of the needs of Uniform Civil Code on all India basis, but they were also equally aware of the mentality of the people of india, that is why they did not insert it in the Fundamental Chapter, hoping that one day the people of India would awake to realized their dreams.

Isaac Gabriel (Advocate)     06 December 2009

We have to go a ong way to achieve the common civi;l code.Thogh discussed frequently,time is yet to ripe.

Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     06 December 2009

 I feel there should be a uniform civil code best suited to the current need in the country based on doctrine of equality, but due to the vast cultural and religious diversity in India the personal laws of various communities are different in respect of marriage, divorce, succession etc. There should be gradual social awareness, so that the various communities would not resist the change in the law, otherwise enacting a uniform civil code will be considered as infringement of the fundamental rights to freedom of religion guaranteed by the constitution

Gundlapallis (Advocate)     07 December 2009

Between the interests of Nation and Religion - Interests of Nation shall stand first.  Any argument against the priority of Nation's interest leads to disintegration and fall.

tanmay (lawyer)     10 December 2009

i fully agree with adv archana that there has to be a social awareness  but then that social awareness and persuation needs strong political will.  i fully agree Mr Venkat that inerest of nation comes first before ananything else.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     11 December 2009

Now we are living in the Era of globalization, liberalization, privatization, Electronic revolution. Internet and mobile has reached in to villages and far flung areas. Humanism has replaced even Religionism, Nationalism etc. People of the whole world is coming together and agreeing on certain issues related to humanism like poverty, corruption, human rights etc. So Common Civil Code is need of hour. It is being delayed only due to politics. Once implemented it will be message for the whole world that we are united. It will be a sign of our unity and solidarity.

Gundlapallis (Advocate)     11 December 2009

Humanism?  We may not see in our life times.... its a very very faaar cry.  Our immediate future generations too may not see because thats not the way we are passing them over any good'ism' we are still battering within the premises of 'selfism' 'nepotism' 'groupism' etc etc.,  Anyway i appreaciate you have raised a concept of a very very far future - but for today a fiction - Humanism.  Thank you.  We still need a stick (or perhaps a gun) to be disciplined.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     12 December 2009

Criminal justice system has collapsed: SC


6 Feb 2009


https://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/Criminal_ justice_system_ has_collapsed_ SC/articleshow/ 4083289.cms

Humanism still exists. Due to this only we r safe and are able to carry out works/bussineses. It is humanity of the general mass which save us from loot, dacoity and from other misery not the system. The problem is with our system/law machinery.

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