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Dheeraj Mahajan (Asstt. Manager Finance)     23 July 2013

Query regarding pan card

Dear All, I have one query...

Suppose, one is having a PAN card already issued in his/her name and he/she applies for another PAN Card but with a new number and new PAN was also issued. Noe he/she is having 2 PAN Cards with 2 different numbers.

We all know that t is illegal to have two PAN Cards with different number and we need to surrender one PAN Card.

Suppose he/she paid taxes for April, May and June using old PAN Card number and now in July new PAN Card is used. Now, if he/she surrenders old PAN Card, will he/she can merge the taxes paid using old PAN Card into the new one? Or the taxes earlier paid will not be refunded in any case?

 1 Replies

Vallabh Parmar (Advocate)     18 August 2013

While filing return of income you claim taxes paid as per both pan cards . However department will not give credit for old pan card related taxes   but you can claim credit for taxes paid as per old Pan cardsby filing an application for rectification of mistake apparent from record  us 154 of I T Act.. The department will adjust taxes paid  as per old pancard  and issue refund if due by passing order us 154 if he fails to give credit then appeal can be filed before CIT(A)


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