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B.K.GUPTA... (ADVISOR)     10 March 2011

Rajasthan Rent Control Act 2001

" The Rent Control Act 2001 was enacted on1.04.2003 and it is actually act for eviction of tenants only.Not a single clause provides a safeguard to a tenant.It appears that officials,persons involved in framing of the act are all landlords.Legislature in this regard has not kept in view principle of equity.You are requested to ask the persons involved in the preparation of the act, only one clause,that provides equity. "

Your above message was forwarded to the LSG department for necessary action as per rules.


DS(VS) to CM
Chief Minister's Office

----- Original Message -----
From : B K GUPTA
Sent : Sunday, April 04, 2010
Subject : Messages posted earlier

I have not received any response to the messages sent to you.How this website is working and who is responsible for such carelessness? If response is not received within 3 days I will be forced to file an application under RTI.
What about action  on other requests/complaints/suggestions submitted since inception of the site at CMO.Are the persons responsible not keeping track of the sbmissions received ,forwarded and final disposal.Please provide status of all the representations submitted by me since 19.12.2009 till date.LSG has nothing to do in the matter.It can only be dealt by Department Of Justice,Cabinet Secretary and Parliamentary Affairs(Rajasthan Assembly).
The preamble of the act begins with "An Act to provide for control of eviction from" .Please ask where are the clauses for control of eviction?This is a very serious lacunae,it should be dealt with urgently.

I am still waiting for action taken by you and the LSG department to whom you forwarded the matter.3 months have elapsed.
Is any official accountable ?Kindly forward me the copy of letter sent to LSG with name & designation of the head of the department to whom you forwarded the message.I also requested that Ministry of Law & Justice is the proper department for taking action in this regard but it appears that you have not thought it proper to ask them. Anyway please do something to maintain claims of The Chief Minister for ACCOUNTABLE & TRANSPARENT

 6 Replies

Anil Kr Garg (Business)     11 March 2011

If Rajasthan has really come up with an act to safeguard landlord's property from tenants, it is a welcome precedence for whole of India. Tenants need only one protection, eviction without adequate notice. They don't need any other protection whereas landlord needs all the protection as he has invested money and tenant is in possession of his property. All over India, tenants have become defacto owners of the property with draconian laws simply gifting property to them. If India is to become a capitalist country, it is high time similar laws are adopted for the entire nation.

It is really an insult to our intelligence that a landlord needs to prove that he needs his property for evicting a tenant while tenant does not need to prove any damn thing. He may be having dozens of property, may be rich and yet, courts will not ask him asto why he should continue to possess the property. The existing laws are de facto communistisc laws which ought to have been scraped decades ago. Most officlal policies of almost all states show intent of restoring landlord's rights but under political pressure with vote bank interests, they are shying of taking a real step necessary for this age old pending reform.

Failure of east europe, switching of even China to capitalism has proved that capitalism is the only successful ideology for prosperity. Socialist ideology is only a means to a corrupt and inefficient end. Our public sector, Adarash housing scam and so many other things are a testimony to that. Even our reservation policy is a legacy of the same socialistic thinking which has hurt India irreparably. Today, nobody seems to bother about the fact that we get about 1/3rd of farm yields, about 10% of milk yield and so on and yet, the inefficient producers are the beneficiaries of the entire existence of government in India while the more efficient ones (industry, services etc) are continuously beling exploited with more and more regulation, taxes and harrassment.

Good move finally.

B.K.GUPTA... (ADVISOR)     14 March 2011

Mr Anil Garg

I do not know your antecedents but over your comments I would like to clarify that legislature should introduce any new provisions only when it can provide some remedy.

What the legislature or judiciary would do if the landlord defies a consent decree passed by a court of law.The legislature has not provided any remedy in the act.

So far as residential property is concerned strictness may be imposed but in the matter of shop what to do?

Government is providing land to Govt. Servants of all cadres .members of judiciary,media persons,MLAs MPs ,what about a poor businessman or a private servant ? Do think about them and then comment in such language.

I disregard your comments

B.K.GUPTA... (ADVISOR)     30 March 2011

Mr Anil Garg

I do not know your antecedents but over your comments I would like to clarify that legislature should introduce any new provisions only when it can provide some remedy.

What the legislature or judiciary would do if the landlord defies a consent decree passed by a court of law.The legislature has not provided any remedy in the act.

So far as residential property is concerned strictness may be imposed but in the matter of shop what to do?

Government is providing land to Govt. Servants of all cadres .members of judiciary,media persons,MLAs MPs ,what about a poor businessman or a private servant ? Do think about them and then comment in such language.

I disregard your comments


B.K.GUPTA... (ADVISOR)     02 August 2011

As every act comes into force when accent of the President Of India is accorded to it,I wrote to the President and the office of the President simply forwarded to The Principal Secretary ( Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances) Mr Ashok Singhvi but he too it could be presumed is not fit for the post of Principal Secretary of a State as he didn't thought it proper to take any corrective measure.

Same was the case with the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot.

The tyime has come that every citizen should be prepared to come to the ROADS.

B.K.GUPTA... (ADVISOR)     02 August 2011


What you all are doing.Have you gone through the Rent Control Acts of different states including that of Delhi.Most of the acts boast that it is for control of eviction but actually do you find even a single clause which prevents eviction.

I can very well understand that these acts are passed in Assemblies by "raising hands" and nobody cares for whait it contains but you all should take steps to bring to the limelight the facts.





B.K.GUPTA... (ADVISOR)     02 August 2011

As every act comes into force when accent of the President Of India is accorded to it,I wrote to the President and the office of the President simply forwarded to The Principal Secretary ( Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances) Mr Ashok Singhvi but he too it could be presumed is not fit for the post of Principal Secretary of a State as he didn't thought it proper to take any corrective measure.

Same was the case with the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot.

The time has come that every citizen should be prepared to come to the ROADS.

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