Husband files Sec-9 HMA, which proceeds exparte as wife eludes summons. After 2 yrs of legal run case decided in favor of husband. Husband wants divorce now:
1) Shud he wait for 1 yr & then file for divorce.
2) Shud he apply for execution of this decree & then file divorce after it fails. How much time will be involved?
I also want to know the legal stand – If a husband gets RCR in his favor but wife fails to join him for 1 yr after RCR. Now he files for divorce on the grounds of non-execution of RCR decree, wife agrees to cohabit?? Hubby wants divorce that she failed to join him even after 1 yr of RCR, LAW says that u did so much effort on record to get ur wife back, when she is now ready to join u, then why u asking 4 divorce, go & live with her!
Shudn’t it be that hubby be given divorce even if wife is ready to join at this stage. Doesn’t the law say to her “Its too late madam, u have missed the bus. Hubby is entitled to divorce now”?