Registration Deficiency Syndrome- Chapter 8:
“Tainted takings”
(A satire on the flawed (RDS affected) portion of land acquisition in India during 1894-2015)
‘Taking’ and ‘granting’ lawfully are constitutional;
“ ‘Taking’ for granted” is not.
Take it for granted that these
‘Takings’ for granted will not be
Taken for granted by our Constitution and UDHR.
Taken aback, was I, to learn that all those who have
Taken the bench too have neither
Taken up the issue nor
Taken up the cudgels nor
Taken the floor to
Take stock of the causes and effects and
Take on the ‘takings’ for sixty-four years as the innocent have been
Taking it on the chin while the guilty have been
Taking heart, taking hold, taking change and taking over in
Taking to more of these taunting ‘takings’.
Take it from me that there will not be any
Takers for these ‘takings’ when Themis
Takes on these tainted ‘takings’.
‘Takings’ have taken a huge toll and it has
Taken 118 years for some to
Take in that the rest of the huge world has not
Taken in that we all have been
Taken for a ride in respect of these takings; my
Take on these ‘takings’ is that they should be
Taken down, taken apart and thus taken back, never to
Take off again.
Take it or leave it!
Message: All acquisitions (‘takings’) from 1894 till 2015 pertaining to RDS are arbitrary, illegal, unconstitutional or inequitable and against the UDHR and therefore should be declared null and void.
For a simple litmus test to check as to whether an acquisition in respect of a land owned by a subsequent buyer is void or valid( in respect of RDS), check whether the facts of the acquisition are reflected in the Encumbrance Certificate(EC) issued to such buyer prior to his/her buying such land. If the answer is yes , the acquisition is valid in respect of registrability and is not affected by RDS at all. If not, the acquisition is void per se, for contravening sec.3 of ToPA, 1882, sec. 17(e) and 88(ii) of the Registration Act, 1908, and for non-compliance of respective State Registration Rules & S.Os (e.g : TN: 11(1) (d), 21(ii) S.Os 929 (p)(i),(ii),(iii) & (iv) etc.,) thus violating Article 300-A of the Indian Constitution & Article 17(ii) of the UDHR.
In the interest of Justice,
Baskaran Kanakasabai.
Social activist and logician.