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Pushp Lata (Service)     20 April 2009

PF withdrawl

I want to know if someone is applying for PF withdrawl how much time pf department we have applied in the month of september 2008 but neither we have got any reply of rejection from the department nor any status for the same...


i need advise if any one can guide. for it

 4 Replies

Guest (Guest)     20 April 2009

They do no have any reason not to pay your PF within the reasonable time.  You find out by going to the department for the reason of non-payment after 7 months.  If it is not possible, write a letter to them and asking them to pay the pf dues along with penal rate of interest from the date of submission of your application.  If they will not pay even then, then you have to move either High Court under writ jurisdiction or civil court in recovery suit.  You write a letter to the PF Commissioner also at its head quarters - PF Commissioner, Head Office,  Bhavishyanidhi Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066.  You can also move an application under Right to Information Act to find out the reason for non-payment and if their reason is not valid, then you can approach the court.

There is rampant corruption prevailing in the department and some of the officials have been practicing most unethical means to swallo the hard earned PF dues of poor workers. 

If you have any further problem in this regard, feel free to send PM.

Pushp Lata (Service)     20 April 2009

Thank you i will follow your guidlines and hope for the best..........

badrinath (Sr.Manager-human resources)     21 April 2009

                                 PF withdrawal rules

 1. where the PF dues are payable immediately on leaving service;    in case of  retirement/ permanant and total incapacity/ migration from india for permanent settlement or/ for taking employment abroad/ mass and individual retrenchment / termination under VRS/ to female members who resigned to get married.  for all these cases PF dues are payable immediately on leaving service.

2. where the PF is payable after the waiting period of two months:    in case on leaving sercice of a member ( for the reasons other than the mentioned in point no.i) such as resignation, discharge etc.. for the above said reasons, waiting period of two months is required.

first, check with the company whether they have   sent the claim forms to the provident fund office. if not, the employee ( if he is not employed) can directly submit the application to the regional PF commissioner. you can also go to the provident fund website ( just type EPFO, name of the concerned city PF office ) and you can know the status of your application. even  after all these efforts, if you dont get proper response, you can write a letter to the PF authorities and other actions can follow suite.  

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     19 November 2011

No need to file writ in High court. Consumer court has faster remedy. Sometimes claims are delya for want of bribe in such case if the compliant has not alerted the demandeer the CBI is seen to be acting fast and the claim is sttleed within 24 hours or arrest.

Sometimes claims are shown as returned/rejected to reduce the pendancy statastics.  RTI will be of help where you should aoso demand the rlevant extract of desptch register and the details of postage paid.

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