what is the procedure and provision to file reception of documents in Maintenance case by the respondent, after the counter is filed by the respondent.
sripartha (advocate ) 19 March 2012
what is the procedure and provision to file reception of documents in Maintenance case by the respondent, after the counter is filed by the respondent.
Shantanu Wavhal (Worker) 20 March 2012
file an application for certified copies.
the application can be purchased at the photocopy centres near court.
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 20 March 2012
Reception of documents????
sripartha (advocate ) 21 March 2012
Reception of documents means in
sripartha (advocate ) 21 March 2012
is there provision in criminal case, in which a person can file documents counter is filed by the respondent, in Maintenance case by the respondent, after the counter is filed by the respondent.
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 21 March 2012
CrPC 125 has civil procedure.