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Mkumar   08 January 2018

Recovery legal notice from employer

Dear Lawyers forum, 
Please help on how to act on the below :
I have quit my job on November 3rd 2016 after serving four months from a telecom company. 
I have received a call from the Hr in November 2017 urging me to pay the recovery amount of 27k as stated in the full and final settlement. As per the FNF calculation, they have added a column called recovery 22k. But, I have no idea as to what lead to the amount 22k. There is no break down. 
When I have questioned the HR regarding the same, HR has vaguely responded by saying it is relocation expenses such as staying in the hotel during training and orienation. But the HR never explained as to what lead to that amount.
I have received a legal notice asking me to settle the amount without any breaking down on what indulged such expenses. On several instances, I have paid my own bill for hotel and vehicle transport. I have receipts of the same.
Further, the appointment letter which I have signed clearly mentioned that I am only liable to 1 months basic notice period in case of quitting before 1 year. It did not have anything related recovery/ repaying.
Please let me know how to go about this.
Many thanks in advance.

 1 Replies

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     09 January 2018

Nowhere you've stated how  much total time period you have worked in that organization.If you had WORKED FORAT LEAST 10 YEAS PERIOD BFORE SREVING 4 NMONTHS NOTICE PERIOD IN LIEU OF 4 MONTHS SALARY YOU CAN QUIT WITH ALL f&f  SETTLEMENT OF YOUR DUES.Now YourHR department says that your Management wants to recover fromyou hotel relocation exoenses although it ishould be at their expense includeing vehicle transportation.aCCORDI NG TO THEM IT SHOULD BE 1 MONTH NOTICRE PERIOD IN THE YEAR OF QUITTING.aND THEY ARE ASKING YOU TO PAY rds.22000 WITHOUT EXPLAINING HOW THEY HAVE DERIVED THAT EXPENDITURE WITHOUT ANY BREALKDOWN.You first give a legal notice to them to settle your F&F. Failing whichyou'd proceed to recover them through them proceeding to court.If they don't giveasatisfactry reply within 15 days or 1 month move to labour court to recover all your  rightful exoppences such as Hotel and vehicle Transport chrges and he number of times you spent them out ofyour purse with receipts fo rproving in the court  and settlement of your F&F settlementoof dues fromyour organization. Certainbnlhy yu'll get some relief  

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