Namaste venu sir, absolutely you are right sir. In our town no full pledged knowledge lawyers are available. This candidate is 3rd one & very costly. Here no other go as through me 4 more civil & criminal suits are with him. No one has dedication on work sir. These are locals. If we want change, run district head quarters of Srikakulam or Vizianagaram. They are more costly than these candidates. Since 2012 i went on changing. We lost one partition suit of agricultural lands. One criminal case was also dismissed in my land dispute against this defendant. Since 6 years i started learning basic legal subject. Even then an advocate is suppoed to do justice at least 75% for his day to day job. But in our bar no one make trail. Simply attending call work, ask for adjournment & go to bar, start chitchat up to lunch, then have alcohol & sleeping in chairs. Some are womanisers. Our bar has 30 tp 40 advocates altogether.
This has been my observation since year 2002 sir. No one respects any judge in the court.
I think it's all boredom to you sir. But all my feelings since all these years put in front of you sir.
Sir, one advise is what could be appealing fee. In order it is₹ 20k for relief of permanent injunction & court fee₹ 1386/-. Can i pay extra to this or i don't know. Pl help me.
Thanking you sir
With regards