Like all other expert opinions expressed on the matters that cause problems the solution, to the Ever Increasing Court Cases In India, offered by the PM of India is, least said, the ridiculous.
Let us look at it from the sitting Judges view. They end the day well past the hours of working. Almost all of them carry work home also. All this is an effort to work fast on cases and speed up the closures.
They hear cases through the day making notes of points along the hearing or at the end of an Argument and then Judgments or decisions are dictated and typed often after refering to various precedences, which process goes well past the normal or even extended working hours.
Besides their work takes a very heavy menal toll. Listening to the arguments of often more than two parties to a case. Mental balance, recalls, ensuring decorum are a very tricky part of sitting on that High chair.
We file all sorts of cases on excengency basis at odd hours, on holidays, weekly off days, in a few cases Judges have known to have been called back from leave.
Instead of doing the obvious - filling the vacencies.
The dictum / norm in Corportae world is that you do your work and then look for causes.