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Venkat Reddy (Service)     22 September 2009

Refund received after revised filed

I filed for tax return for AY 08-09 on time for refund of Rs 12,000 . I have filed revised on 30-Jan-09 to get refund of 5,000 only. Now I have received on 19-Sep-09 refund of 12,000 + interest with cheque dated 30-Jun-09.

Should I pay the difference amount 7,000 (12K-5k) and file another revised or should I wait for my already filed revised processed by IT Dept? Please advise me.

 4 Replies


Dear Mr.Reddy

It would be better to wait for the revised order. You may pay the excess refund after getting the order and the challan for payment fromTH IT authority. ANother revised return would be making the issue more complex. SInce you have filed the revised return within time all you would be required is to pay with interest




Sachin Bhatia (Advocate)     22 September 2009

It is Better to wait.

Sivadas Chettur (Chartered accountant)     25 September 2009

You can remit the amount as per the challan issued from the dept and you can request for its issue with a covering letter stating the facts.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     26 September 2009

Better to send back the excess amount through challan with supporing documents and revised return.

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