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passioninthehand (Engineer)     28 February 2012

Regarding legally adoption by uncle


I am presently working with public sector undertaking and i am being adopted by my uncle legally as adopted son. Now can my uncle and aunt can get benefit of medical faciliites presently availing by me and my parents.

Can uncle and aunt get medical facilities in place of my father and mother. My father and mother are already covered through my younger brother's service. I will be very much thankful of yours if get any information in this regards.


 2 Replies

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     28 February 2012

First of all under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act - a major person >15 years - cannot be adopted unless the custom allows/permits. 

If it does - then on the date of adoption all ties with the natural family get cut - and ties are established in the adoptive family - with all benefits accruing. 

pradeep (na)     15 May 2012

I feel they will get all facilities as dependent parents (if they do not have a minimum prescribed income limit). Only thing, you have to do is to declare them as your dependents to HR dept of your company. Let them say no, giving the reasons.

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