Dear Mr.kameswarao S,
You are right.
Ethically the establishment should not violate it's own committements and more so the published policy should be adhered.
I have seen employers paying to outgoing employees and build image for the establishment and employer and even paying on pro- rated basis even if employee has not served full period ( as in policy and as in this query).
The outgoing employee is not considered many times for such awards/rewards/bonus/increments.
The view point is that the payouts by establishment/employer are investment for future and it is not worth in case of outgoing employee.
Here the employee (Querist) is insisting again that the said policy does not indicate that outgoing employee (serving notice period in this case) shall not be eligible.
The reply to the querist (employee) by establishment's designated official is that it as per 'practice' the payment is declined.
The practice is probably not made part of published policy.
So practice in such case may be unconscionable, unreasonable, unfair, unenforceable.............
Probably the designated official in HR is under pressure of private/internal policy of employer/bosses for designated official but unpublished for employee (querist).
Probably it is part of tactics as some employees give up the claims after some time and do not approach; Works Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee, Employee’s/trade unions, lawful authority say; Inspectorate-O/o Labor commissioner, a very able local senior counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in labor/service matters, Labor Court/CGIT, Civil Courts……………..NCLT, HC with winding up petitions……………
Probably it is part of tactics as some employees do not pursue on irrefutable record and let their claims be time barred……….
The employee (querist) alone is closest to the facts and situation and has to act to defend his interest.
We can only post in the thread…..and update and appraise the querist and readers……………..and thus contribute our bit.
It is nice to interact with you, again.