Abhishek Priyanka Srivastava 27 April 2020
Parveen Bhatia 28 April 2020
Hemant Agarwal (ha21@rediffmail.com Mumbai : 9820174108) 28 April 2020
1. IF Title-Ownership of Property stands in name of Parents, THEN you or wife, do not have ANY right, whatsoever, to demand Parents property, till they are alive.
2. On the Contrary, Parents can evict /throw you out of their property, since Children have no inherent right to stay in Parents property.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
VISIT: www.chshelpforum.com
Manogya Chava 13 May 2020
In furhterance to Mr.Hemant's answer you may refer to the following link - https://www.lawyersclubindia.com/articles/inheritance-under-hindu-law-1014.asp