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Regarding protection order

Hi all,

While going through the forum, I have come across words like Protection Order.

I would like to know wahat is this protection order means and when is it applicable?

Please help me.


 6 Replies

fighting back (exec)     28 May 2013

as per my knowledge, protection order is passed, when upon satisfaction of the court, that the respondent and the parties named have committed voilence on the aggreieved person, in protection order, the persons are restrained from making any sort of communication with the aggreived party, like like talking, visiting, calling on the phone, letters, and meeting, one is not allowed the above in case of protection order.,


u/s 18 of PWDVA 2005. Protection orders.-


Section 18 in The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005
18. Protection orders.- The Magistrate may, after giving the aggrieved person and the respondent an opportunity of being heard and on being prima facie satisfied that domestic violence has taken place or is likely to take place, pass a protection order in favour of the aggrieved person and prohibit the respondent from-
(a) committing any act of domestic violence;
(b) aiding or abetting in the commission of acts of domestic violence;
(c) entering the place of employment of the aggrieved person or, if the person aggrieved is a child, its school or any other place frequented by the aggrieved person;
(d) attempting to communicate in any form, whatsoever, with the aggrieved person, including personal, oral or written or electronic or telephonic contact;
(e) alienating any assets, operating bank lockers or bank accounts used or held or enjoyed by both the parties, jointly by the aggrieved person and the respondent or singly by the respondent, including her stridhan or any other property held either jointly by the parties or separately by them without the leave of the Magistrate;
(f) causing violence to the dependants, other relatives or any person who give the aggrieved person assistance from domestic violence;
(g) committing any other act as specified in the protection order.


But its foolish.  Can you imagine police living with you?  Like that for each born female one police should be appointed for protection, Lolz


Thanks Helping hand and no pain no gain.

once judge satisfy that violence has occcured or will occur, he can pass judgment. How Judgment and Protection order different? Is protection order is interim?

Originally posted by : Aravind

Thanks Helping hand and no pain no gain.

once judge satisfy that violence has occcured or will occur, he can pass judgment. How Judgment and Protection order different? Is protection order is interim?

You here to gain general knowledge or seeking solutions to your problems./cases?

Please tell your problem/query regarding the PWDVA in one thread, you keep asking questions in each and every thread.

Create a seperate thread about all your doubts, query, and under which section has the PWDVA filed, that will help LCI/LD to help you in a better way.

Originally posted by : Aravind

Thanks Helping hand and no pain no gain.

once judge satisfy that violence has occcured or will occur, he can pass judgment. How Judgment and Protection order different? Is protection order is interim?

No gaurantee about that.  Judge can pass any orders under reliefs claimed even if DV has not occured.

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