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Vishwanath (Sr. Associate)     22 June 2019

Regarding recovery of lease dues for business

I am writing to discuss about my case. I have rented 50 computers to my friend for his business in 2017. He paid me rent for first couple of months after that he stopped paying me, the total rent amount till date is 30lakhs, as per our legal agreement for which his wife is guarantor.  

Grateful, if you can suggest the best way to recover my money as early as possible.

 3 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     23 June 2019

First, take the protection of the police, and get back the computers at the earliest as a surprise.

Then evaluate the rent, working condition of the computers and then issue a legal notice claiming for the rent, for damages, and for loss due to computers which are not being used.

Advertise in some newspapers and dispose of the computers, preferably to a coaching or training institute or educational institution.


P. Venu (Advocate)     07 July 2019

This is a civil matter. The police is not expected to involve or interfere.

Minus Dispute Legal Strategists   10 July 2019

As it has been a long time that your friend had paid you the rent for the computers, you may proceed with sending a legal notice for recovery of the unpaid amount to him and the guarantor within a decided time frame. Failing to adhere to the legal notice sent out by you through a lawyer, he shall have to face legal proceedings.  

We can provide you with legal notice. Reach out to us at

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