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Satish   22 December 2018

Regarding registation of property for 7/12

Hi, I have purchased a property in Aurangabad. Plot area is 1100 sq. ft. and build up area is 750 sq. ft. On registry document only build up and carpet area is mentioned. Can you guide which area will be mentioned on 7/12, as complete plot area is not mentioned on registry documents. This is the row House I have purchased.


 4 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     22 December 2018

1.  In the 7x12 extract, ONLY the area of the Plot of Land is mentioned AND NOT the details of any structure standing on the plot of land.  The details of house is mentioned in Form 8A, issued by the local Gram Panchayat /Municipal body.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     22 December 2018

I agreed with the advise of Mr. Hemanth Agarwal ji.  Verify your document under Schedule column. if you see the total plinth area is 750 aq.ft out of 1100 Sq.Ft. that means the undivided and unspecified vacant site is roughly 13.5 Sq. Yards.  otherwise consult local registrar where the document is registered/local advocate.

sushant shinde   22 December 2018

On the 7/12 extract only plot area is been mentioned not a build up area so you can relax

Satish   23 December 2018

Thanks for the clarification. The issue is like I have purchased a row house from builder, who have not mentioned total area of plot on registry document. I would like to know, which documents Talathi will refer to confirm that complete plot area is mine. Talathi is asking only for registry document for 7/12 extract and complete plot area is nowhere mentioned on registry. 

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