Dear All,
This is with regards to the recent Amendment which we received related to PF ceiling. (6500 to 15000). Because of this we are about to rework on the salary break up for our employees. When we are about to implement it one of the guy seek an advice from PF department. As per the concerned PF person statement "pertain to salary break ups whatever the gross salary which an employee receive should be considered for pf where 40% of HRA (Non Metro) could be exempted from it.
My Concern is as per law we need to deduct pf from the basic & DA and not with the gross. Also pertain to HRA it should be calculated from the basic and not from the DA.
Could anyone of you give me a clarity on this so that we could implement it accordingly with immediate effect.
Request you to look into this and respond back at the earliest.
Thanks & Regards